


要让您的汽车平稳安全地行驶,需要定期进行汽车保养。就像我们的身体需要定期检查一样,汽车也需要预防性保养,以避免昂贵的故障并确保最佳性能。YST Auto 提供全面的汽车发动机维修和调校服务,让您的汽车平稳高效地行驶。



大多数汽车制造商都建议遵循车主手册中列出的特定维护计划。该计划通常根据行驶距离(在加拿大通常以公里 (km) 为单位)将服务需求细分为不同间隔。以下是不同里程的一般概述:

  • 6,000 公里保养服务:建议每 6,000 公里或 3-4 个月进行一次基本定期保养。保养包括更换机油和滤清器等重要检查、检查和补充各种液体、对皮带和软管等关键部件进行目视检查以及检查轮胎压力。
  • 24,000 公里维护服务:此项服务扩展了 6,000 公里的服务范围,包括道路测试、车轮定位、轮胎换位和平衡、更彻底的制动系统检查以及空气滤清器更换。
  • 48,000 公里以上保养服务:建议每 48,000 公里或 24 个月(或购买二手车时)进行一次全套保养,包括关键液体冲洗和冷却系统、变速箱、差速器和刹车的更换。还包括检查点火系统、火花塞和其他部件。
  • 96,000 公里至尊保养服务:建议每 96,000 公里或 48 个月进行一次,这是最全面的保养服务,涵盖所有之前的保养以及正时皮带和火花塞等关键部件的更换。它还包括清洁燃油喷射系统以及检查软管和皮带。


YST 汽车维修服务提供广泛的发动机维修和调校服务,让您的汽车保持最佳状态。您可以期待以下服务:


YST Tuning 仅使用符合或超出制造商规格的高质量零件,以确保最佳性能和使用寿命。

额外赠送免费55点细节检查 (刹车片厚度/刹车油含水量检测/冷却液液位监测) +雨刮水加满



YST Tuning,我们为所有零件和服务提供保修。今天就预约并体验 YST Tuning汽车保养服务的与众不同吧!



联系 YST Tuning 汽车维修


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Martin Obst
19:37 18 May 24
They did owsem job doing the alignment! Thank you!
Like Clubs
23:16 12 Apr 24
Super nice and knowledgeable crew. Moderately priced and professional. Did alignment on my car and it drives perfectly now.
HuiLim Jang (Hanna)
17:39 11 Apr 24
This car repair shop is absolutely fantastic! It's right downstairs from my home, which is super convenient. Their service is incredibly fast, and the staff is always friendly and helpful. I get my tires changed here every year, and they never disappoint. Highly recommended to everyone!
Natalie Chow
04:34 09 Feb 24
From start to finish it was all easy. I emailed, they responded quickly. Then I spoke to someone over the phone to give details about the service I needed. We arranged the service a couple days later. I was given a verbal estimate which ended up being the all-in cost. The day of the service, they were efficient. My car was ready a half hour ahead of schedule because they were able to take me a bit earlier. They also explained to me what was done and everything was on paper. They fixed my tire rod, did an alignment and adjusted my tire pressure. I will definitely be coming here for other car maintenance and service! As a bonus, they gave me a voucher for $30 off my next service of $100+. A nice gesture.
Aris Saha
16:11 12 Jan 24
Place was excellent, been using them for a while now. They fixed an error on my engine light that BMW was charging me over a thousand to fix, and they topped up my oil for free for being a loyal customer. Absolutely would recommend this place!
M Matheen
13:52 01 Jan 24
I was always looking for a good mechanic but I never found one. No one did a good job and charged lots and lots of money. But luckily I found YST Tuning auto mechanic as one of the mechanics was not available. When I went here I was just impressed by the quality of work they are doing which is just incredible. Any day I would recommend this place over any other mechanic